

Market days have been an important part of many communities, providing a place for locals to buy and sell goods, socialize, and support local businesses. Unfortunately, in many parts of Choloma, organizing a market day is difficult and would require paying a war tax to the local gang. Not so in Ciudad Morazán!

Here market day went from an idea to a reality overnight. No permits, no vendor licenses, no alcoholic licenses, no food certifications, no war taxes.

Just people who come together voluntarily to socialize, trade, and enjoy the beauty of Morazán’s central park.

The items sold included clothing, food, drinks, swimming pools, and furniture. Buyers and sellers used Lempiras, both paper and electronic.  

While sellers peddled their wares, kids played in the park, and residents ate, drank, and socialized. 

Despite the market day taking place on Easter weekend, nearly thirty people attended and the day was a success. 

We look forward to seeing what next month’s market day will bring!