

Alex Ugorji’s Twitter thread gives a beautiful view of how the community came together to decorate the park for Christmas. Like most places in Honduras, people love to gather around Christmas. But unlike most places in Honduras, it is possible to gather outside well into the night without fear! Many residents are taking advantage ofRead More »
Due to overwhelming demand, Morazan ZEDE has resumed construction! This means millions in investment, 100s of jobs, and most importantly more Hondurans will be able to escape corruption, crime, and high costs. Rent in Morazan is $120/m for 60m2 so 99% of residents are Honduran. Equipment is brought in to clear the land for moreRead More »
In honor of Thanksgiving, I hosted Morazán’s first Turkey Trot! I’ll tell you how this American tradition made its way to Honduras! Each month I organize a fun, often holiday-themed, community event. Since I’m from Massachusetts, I thought it might be fun to do a recreation of the original Thanksgiving for my November event. ButRead More »
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