

Ciudad Morazán celebrated both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day on Sunday, June 4. Father’s Day was March 19, and Mother’s Day was the second Sunday of May, May 14 this year. Since Mother’s Day is generally more celebrated than Father’s Day in Honduras, it was natural to combine the two. Helen Quintanilla, the proprietor ofRead More »
Morazán, a ZEDE nestled in the outskirt of Choloma, initially imagined that its first residents would be employees of the factories and other companies of the zone. But thanks to the new government’s hostility to ZEDEs, all the large companies that intended to set up shop in Morazán canceled or paused their plans. Their loss hasRead More »
In Honduras, and Choloma in particular, finding a safe and affordable community to live in can be a challenge. As a result, Ciudad Morazán, a provider of one of the safest and most affordable housing options in Honduras, expected to fill up very quickly, despite the challenges of the current anti-ZEDE sentiment.  Unfortunately, Ciudad MorazánRead More »
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