

The residents of Ciudad Morazán are excited to have a new café recently opened in a prime location in front of the central park! It’s a terrific spot for people to meet for small gatherings or larger groups that can expand to picnic tables in the park. The café’s owner, Ursula Alejandra Frederick Soto, recentlyRead More »
Ciudad Morazán is witnessing a vibrant new addition to its community with the opening of Ruby’s beauty salon, Mujer Bella. This salon is quickly becoming a haven for those seeking a touch of elegance and self-care. Ruby, with her flair for style and dedication to quality service, offers a range of beauty treatments including haircutsRead More »
Ciudad Morazán celebrated both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day on Sunday, June 4. Father’s Day was March 19, and Mother’s Day was the second Sunday of May, May 14 this year. Since Mother’s Day is generally more celebrated than Father’s Day in Honduras, it was natural to combine the two. Helen Quintanilla, the proprietor ofRead More »
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